Are your records compliant?

Record keeping violations and you.

Attention small trucking companies! Were you aware that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has recently increased its record keeping compliance fines to $1,496 per day? That’s a significant increase from the previous fines of $1,388 per day. In today’s economy, it’s important that you prioritize compliance to avoid these costly penalties.

Compliance with FMCSA regulations is crucial for small trucking companies like yours. Failure to maintain accurate and up-to-date records can lead to fines, reputation damage, and even operational disruptions. In the past, investing in proper recordkeeping software was expensive. However, there’s good news for you! A link to that information is here, or again at the end of this article. 

     At any time it is estimated that over 40% of companies are not in record compliance. The FMCSA is cracking down on these offenses. The number of violations as of the time of this article is over 10,000. Don’t let your company fall victim to something so easy and inexpensive to avoid. 

Remember, the time of paper records are over. FMCSA now requires all files be kept electronically. This starts at the hiring process, but continues throughout the drivers career. Are you compliant? 

Introducing DQvault, a cost-effective and user-friendly solution designed specifically for small trucking companies. With DQvault, you can ensure compliance with FMCSA recordkeeping regulations without breaking the bank.

DQvault is an electronic driver qualification file management system (and so much more), that eliminates the need for manual recordkeeping. Instead of sifting through piles of paperwork, you can securely store all driver qualification documents electronically. This not only saves you time and effort but also keeps you fmcsa compliant.

One of the key benefits of DQvault is its ability to streamline your hiring process. Whether you use third-party recruiters or recruit in-house, DQvault simplifies the collection and organization of driver qualification documents. You can easily track the status of each driver’s qualifications and ensure that all requirements are met before hiring them. This helps you avoid the risk of hiring unqualified drivers, which can lead to accidents, fines, and damage to your reputation.

In addition, DQvault automates the renewal process for driver qualifications. The system sends you reminders when documents are about to expire, allowing you to proactively address upcoming expirations. This helps you stay ahead of compliance issues and avoid penalties for outdated or missing documents.

DQvault is cloud-based, meaning you can access your records from anywhere, anytime. The system is designed with user-friendliness in mind, so you can navigate and utilize its features without extensive training or technical expertise. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate through driver records, add new drivers, and monitor compliance status.

Not only is DQvault cost-effective and user-friendly, but it also offers reliable customer support. Our team is dedicated to assisting you with any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring that you get the most out of the software and remain compliant with FMCSA regulations.

Don’t jeopardize your small trucking company’s financial stability and reputation by being non-compliant with FMCSA record keeping regulations. DQvault is here to help you maintain compliance, save time, and avoid costly fines. With our cost-effective solution, you can ensure the integrity of your driver qualification files and streamline your hiring process. Get started with DQvault today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are compliant and protected.

By James Floto